
Showing posts with the label gods words

A Beautiful Reminder From God

  My Child, I see your heart. I know your struggles, your worries, and the weight you carry. But today, I want to remind you:  You are not alone.  I am walking beside you in every step, even in the moments when you cannot feel Me. I have not forgotten you. I have not abandoned you.  I am with you.  When fear tries to overwhelm you,  hold on to My promises.  I have plans for you—plans to give you hope and a future. What seems uncertain to you is already known to Me.  I am in control.  When you feel weak, remember that  My strength is made perfect in your weakness.  You don’t have to carry this burden alone. Surrender it to Me, and I will give you rest.  When you feel like giving up,  remember that I am working behind the scenes.  What looks like a setback is often a setup for something greater. I am making a way for you, even when you don’t see it yet.  So  be strong and courageous.  Keep trusting, keep ...

Verse Of The Day - Genesis 21:22

Reflection on Genesis 21:22 "At that time Abimelek and Phicol, the commander of his forces, said to Abraham, 'God is with you in everything you do.'” This verse is a powerful reminder that  God’s presence is with us wherever we go and in whatever we do.  Abraham’s life was a testimony to this truth. Even when he faced uncertainty, moved to unfamiliar lands, or endured trials, God’s favor remained upon him. His enemies could even see that God was working in his life. Sometimes, we may question whether God is really with us—especially during difficult times. But the truth is, if we are walking with Him, His presence surrounds us.  His hand is upon our work, our relationships, our decisions, and our daily lives.  Even when things don’t go as planned, we can be confident that He is guiding and protecting us. We see this promise throughout Scripture. In Joshua 1:9, God tells Joshua,  “Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the LORD your God is with you wherever you go....

Verse Of The Day - Mathew 6:33

  Reflection on Matthew 6:33 "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." Life often pulls us in many directions. We worry about our jobs, finances, relationships, and future, constantly chasing after security and success. But Jesus reminds us in Matthew 6:33 that the key to a fulfilled and worry-free life is  putting God first.  When we seek Him above all else, everything we truly need will be provided. This verse does not mean we will get everything we  want , but it reassures us that God knows what is best for us. When our hearts are aligned with His will, He takes care of our needs—both physical and spiritual. This doesn’t mean we should sit back and do nothing; rather, it means that our  first priority should always be God. Think about Solomon. When God gave him the opportunity to ask for anything, he didn’t request riches, fame, or long life—he asked for  wisdom  to lead God’s peopl...

Verse Of The Day - 1 Peter 5:7

  Reflection on 1 Peter 5:7 In 1 Peter 5:7, we are reminded of a powerful truth: God cares deeply for us, and He doesn’t want us to carry the weight of anxiety and overthinking on our own. When life feels overwhelming, it’s easy to get caught up in our worries, constantly replaying scenarios in our minds, and wondering what the future holds. But this verse encourages us to stop overthinking and to trust in God’s care for us. Overthinking can steal our peace, leaving us trapped in a cycle of fear, doubt, and stress. But God offers us a different way—He invites us to release our burdens to Him. When we pray and cast our anxieties on God, we open ourselves to His peace that surpasses all understanding. This peace doesn’t come from knowing all the answers, but from trusting that He is in control and that He cares for every detail of our lives. How We Can Apply This Verse to Our Lives: Letting Go of Worry:   When you're facing a difficult decision or uncertain situation, instead of...

God’s Message For You Today

  God’s Message For You Today  My dear child, I see the pain that weighs heavy on your heart. I understand the depth of your hurt, for I witness all the moments of your life, both joyful and sorrowful. In the stillness of your soul, I know you feel as though you have been wronged, betrayed, and abandoned. The actions of others have cut deep, leaving scars that ache with every passing thought. But I want you to hear this truth, and I want you to hear it clearly: You are never alone, even in the moments when you feel most isolated by your pain. It is natural to feel wounded when others' words or actions strike at your core. But do not allow this wound to define you. You are more than the harm that has been done to you. You are my beloved creation, made with purpose, strength, and love that transcends the fleeting hurts of this world. What others do is a reflection of their own struggles, their own shadows. It is not a reflection of your worth. I ask you, my child, to turn inward...