What If God Is Just Leading You Back On Track?

What If God Is Just Leading You Back On Track? Maybe you are wondering why you need to go through a lot of challenges in life. You may think that God has already forgotten you because you can’t seem to find any good things behind your situation. You may not notice it right now, but what if God is just leading you back on track. You might find yourself struggling, but what if God is actually calling you back to the place where you are destined to flourish. You may not understand what’s happening but just trust in God because He knows the perfect way for you. Or perhaps, you’ve been trying to neglect your purpose in life because you wanted something else, and right now, God is calling you back again. Your challenges will give you a new perspective on life. It will open your mind to some important lessons that you need to learn. And sometimes, those lessons will make you realize that God’s plans are even greater. The problems that you encountered will make you into a better person. ...