God’s Message To You Today

God’s Message To You Today My Child I see the weight you carry in your thoughts, the constant wondering of what is yet to come. But hear this: You do not need to carry tomorrow today. I hold your future in My hands, and I am already there, working on your behalf. The path may not always be clear, but trust that I will lead you one step at a time. Overthinking only takes away from the peace I offer. When you find yourself spiraling, pause and breathe. Focus on what is in front of you right now, for I have given you the strength and wisdom for this moment. Trust Me with what you cannot see and lean on Me in the uncertainty. I promise you, My child, that I will never leave you nor forsake you. The future is in My care. You are enough for today, and I will provide all you need, exactly when you need it. Remember, I will never leave you or forsake you. Trust Me with what you cannot see, and release your worries into My care. You are enough for today, and I will provide for you ex...